Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Sorry it's been so long since I've posted. I've been super busy with work, kids, husband, Christmas and worst of all, recovering all of the lost kits from a fried EHD! :( I was able to recover most of them...but the hardest part is unzipping and organizing. It's UNREAL how much I had and now have! LOL

Anyway, my latest project is a set of recipe cards for my family for Christmas. I've been working on them here and there and have about 10 or so completed. :)

Here are the cards. I can give credit to Albums to Remember, Magical Reality Designs, By Becca, Fayette, PrelestnayaP, Mye DeLeon, Crazy 4 Monograms, and a few others for random bits and pieces to complete these cards.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Elegant new kit from Albums to Remember Designs

An elegant holiday kit just hit the shops at both Memory Mixer and My Memories Suite! It's called Holiday Spice from Albums to Remember Designs. It's a simply gorgeous kit with lots of rich colors and glittery embellies. It is a step outside of her usual style and she did a fantastic job with it! She is also releasing a kit next week in her more traditional style with the same colors. It's another must have!

Here are a couple pages I made with this kit:

Monday, November 21, 2011

Family Traditions Challenge - MMS Blog

This week's challenge was to create a page that describes a family holiday tradition. I've been kind of busy all weekend and finally got a chance to scrap tonight. Which, happens to coincide with the release of My Memories Suite Version 3. Yes, they just released version 3 today! I've already downloaded my upgrade and must say it is FABULOUS!!! Lots of great new features! If you'd like to take a peek at the software, you can download a free trial version here. If you like it, they promise to have a super sale on Cyber Monday for the full V3 version. Watch their Facebook page for super deals.

Here is my challenge page.

Kit - Joyeux Noel by By Becca

Saturday, November 19, 2011

New Potty Training Kit!

Do you have potty pix that you have no idea how to scrap? LOL....I had a few and really had no idea what to do with them. Albums to Remember released a coordinating kit to her Little Baby Boy and Little Baby Girl kits...it's Potty Training!

The potty kit is filled with little potties, toilet paper, panties, underwear, diapers....perfect for little boys and girls.

Here are my pages:

Also...there are matching alphas to all three of these kits. There are a total of 11 - ELEVEN - in this set. :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Weekly Challenge - Hat's Off Challenge - My Memories

The challenge this week was to use pictures or embellishments that have hats in them. My daughter is such a little diva and fashionista. She loves clothes...and absolutely adores her Minnie Mouse hat.

Kit - Pink Fusion by Lindsay Jane Designs

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Yesterday was Nov. 11. For many people, it was a time to remember our veterans. While I agree and honor those that served our country, I honor and remeber someone who fought a different type of battle. My grandmother. I decided to spend the evening (after my girls went to sleep) scrapping some of my favorite memories of my Grandmother. Here are some of the pages I made.

Kit: Magic Moments by By Becca
Layout: Jumpstart Designs GP Set 8

Kit: Snowkissed by By Becca
Layout: Jumpstart Designs GP Set 10

Thursday, November 10, 2011

New Kit from Albums to Remember...make that new Kits!

Barb really out did herself on this one. If you have a baby coming to the family...or if you have one or two of your own and need to scrap their pictures, here is one of the cutest little baby kits I've ever seen.

Little Baby Girl and Little Baby Boy.

I'm fortunate enough to be on Barb's Creative Team and get to play with the kits before they hit the store. Here are some pages I made.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

11/07 - Speed Scrap Challenge - Albums To Remember (FB)

I had company over the weekend and missed all the fun and excitment of Digital Scrapbooking Day. I was able to get in on some of the sales, but the challenges I had to pass on. :( Not to worry, though. I had a fantastic time with my best friend and made some great memories! One of those days we went to Shedd Aquarium with my daughters. Here's the page I made for the challenge.

Kit: Sea Park by Albums to Remember Designs

Thursday, November 3, 2011

More Halloween Pages

For Halloween, my oldest daughter Mary said she wanted to be Snow White. That was easy, I went out to the Disney Store and found her the perfect little Snow White dress. It was beautiful and sparkly, just like her. Every time someone would ask her what she was going to be for Halloween, she would say Snow White, then say "And Mommy is going to be the eagle witch!" She would say it over and over again and tell everybody she talked to that I was going to dress up. I hadn't planned on dressing up. I haven't dressed up for Halloween in over 15 years! She seemed to have her heart set on it, so I couldn't really disappoint her. The Monday before Halloween, I went online, found a costume and had it express shipped to the house. Just so I could be the evil witch! LOL...

On Halloween, I dressed up, put on my make up and went to pick Mary up from school. When she saw the Evil Witch coming to her classroom, she was speechless. Which is a very big deal for my little chatterbox! She stared at me with a look of uncertainty. Finally, when I knelt down next to her and said, "Hey Sweetie, it's Mommy" She broke into a huge smile and started telling all her classmates "Mommy's the evil witch". Somewhere along the way she learned that it was evil instead of eagle. Hahaha...Anyway. Here are the pages I made for our costumes. Dressing up was a blast, I plan to do it again next year!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween Challenge

This week's challenge of course is the Halloween Challenge. Pictures of your Halloween celebrations...trick-or-treating, costumes, etc. This is my youngest daughter Sarah, dressed as Belle from Beauty and the Beast. I'm very pleased with how this page came out.

Kits - Hearthsong and Walkin in Splendor by By Becca
Template - JSD Set 22 A by Jumpstart Designs (Found at Pickleberrypop.com)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Sketch Challenge from Albums to Remember - FB Thoughtful Thursdays

There was a fun little sketch challenge over at Albums To Remember's FB page on Thursday. Every Thursday, Kat posts some sort of thoughtful idea for us. One week it was bedroom door plaques (super cute!), one week was little cupcake toppers and this week it was a sketch. Since I don't have a printer and my daughter's share a room, I was happy to see one that I could really participate in.

Here is my page...I was very pleased with the way it turned out. I used the Halloween kit from Albums to Remember for this one.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My Memories - No Faces Challenge

This week's challenge was to create a page featuring photos that did not show any faces. I used a pic of my daughter and nephew looking trying to decide where to begin at the pumpkin patch.

Template: Jumpstart your Memories - GP13A from Jumpstart Designs
Kit: Hearthsong from By Becca

Monday, October 24, 2011

Oct 23 Speed Scrap - Fill a Font!

So another birthday dinner last night and I missed the My Memories Speed Scrap. I was able to get up early this morning and grab the instructions and make a page I'm very pleased with. You can find the speed scrap video here: Oct 23 Speed Scrap.

The paper and pumpkin fonts are from "A Halloween Pack" from Albums To Remember Designs. The tree branch and leaves are from "Fall Frolic" also from Albums To Remember Designs. And finally, the word art font is called Sans Thirteen Black.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My Memories Weekly Challenge - Doing the Text Wrap

A great tool in the My Memories software is the text wrap. You can wrap in square or circular shapes. I did this one using 2 kits By Becca's Ever After and Magical Reality Design's Midnight Dream.

Sunday night Speed Scrap at My Memories FB Page

I've been traveling for the last several days and when I got home Sunday night, I finally got a chance to scrap...although I missed the actual speed scraps, I was able to join in using My Memories directions and video. This is a pic of my Mom and her 3 grand daughters. :)

Friday, October 7, 2011

Tons of Freebies for Facebook Fans!!

So, it's getting crazy over there at Facebook. Several of the designers I follow are giving away freebies, free kits, etc for when they reach a certain number of fans. The freebies and giveaways are super exciting. Adding the challenges makes it that much better! Many times the challenges are there to stretch and improve your creativity and scrapbooking skills...often there are prizes given away. If you haven't already done so, go on over to Facebook and "Like" your favorite designers to see what they are up to and try to win some goodies!!

Here are a few of my favorites:

My Memories Suite - this is the software I use to create my digital scrapbook pages. It's an easy to learn, easy to use program that allows me to create pages quickly. They often have challenges and speedscraps running throughout the week. It's a great place to share your pages and get some inspiration.

Albums to Remember - this is one of my favorite designers. She has some pretty amazing kits and templates for sales at the My Memories Suite store. I'm on her creative team and get a chance to see her kits before they hit the stores. I've seen a lot of what is waiting in the wings and must say she has some great stuff headed your way! Oh, and she does give aways on her FB page as well, so run over there and "Like" her, too! Also, if you are interested in the MMS software she has a discount code for $10 off the software and another $10 credit to the MMS store...so check her out! :)

FayETTE Designs - another favorite designer, she has lots of fun and playful kits! Her art is amazing and her kits are filled fille filled with tons of embellishments! She likes her giveaways on FB, too!

There are so many more designers out there that are fantastic. I'll post more links as time goes on. I'm still new to this whole blog thing, so hang tight. In the meantime....here is another page I made for a random challenge MMS had on FB: White Space...I tend to use lots of embelishments, so this was a little more challenging for me. Try to make a page where I leave lots of empty space. Here is what I ended up with:

Kit is "Glamour N Glitz" by Crazy-4-Monograms found here.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wednesday "Frame" Challenge 10/5/2011

Today's challenge was to create a page with a focus on frames. Here's my page. I used "This and That" kit by Albums to Remember Designs.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Scrap your stash challenge - 9/30/2011

Today's challenge was to scrap a page using more than one kit. For this one, I used 3. :) I used Midnight Dream and Happy Dream from MagicalReality Designs and Lunar Soul from Valentina's Creations. I think they worked very nicely together. And I edited the photos at www.picnik.com. Such a great free site for photo editing!

My Memories Coffee Page Challenge

This week's challenge was a free for all, dedicated to one of the regular scrappers on Facebook. Every morning she posts a page that she created while having her coffee.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Scrap That Tune - Song Challenge 9/27/2011

today's challenge was to scrap a page based on a song that is special to me. I chose this song, as it was a special song when I was pregnant with my daughters. I remember sitting in the rocking chair, listening to lullabyes and singing to them. This was my favorite song.

Kit: Valentina's Creations "Smell of Dreams"

Speed Scrap Challenge - Rememberence 9/11/2011

This challenge was to create a page dedicated to remembering someone or something. I chose my Grandmother as my inspiration for this page.

Weekly Challenge - 9/21 - Fall