Friday, September 30, 2011

Scrap your stash challenge - 9/30/2011

Today's challenge was to scrap a page using more than one kit. For this one, I used 3. :) I used Midnight Dream and Happy Dream from MagicalReality Designs and Lunar Soul from Valentina's Creations. I think they worked very nicely together. And I edited the photos at Such a great free site for photo editing!

My Memories Coffee Page Challenge

This week's challenge was a free for all, dedicated to one of the regular scrappers on Facebook. Every morning she posts a page that she created while having her coffee.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Scrap That Tune - Song Challenge 9/27/2011

today's challenge was to scrap a page based on a song that is special to me. I chose this song, as it was a special song when I was pregnant with my daughters. I remember sitting in the rocking chair, listening to lullabyes and singing to them. This was my favorite song.

Kit: Valentina's Creations "Smell of Dreams"

Speed Scrap Challenge - Rememberence 9/11/2011

This challenge was to create a page dedicated to remembering someone or something. I chose my Grandmother as my inspiration for this page.

Weekly Challenge - 9/21 - Fall