Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Sorry it's been so long since I've posted. I've been super busy with work, kids, husband, Christmas and worst of all, recovering all of the lost kits from a fried EHD! :( I was able to recover most of them...but the hardest part is unzipping and organizing. It's UNREAL how much I had and now have! LOL

Anyway, my latest project is a set of recipe cards for my family for Christmas. I've been working on them here and there and have about 10 or so completed. :)

Here are the cards. I can give credit to Albums to Remember, Magical Reality Designs, By Becca, Fayette, PrelestnayaP, Mye DeLeon, Crazy 4 Monograms, and a few others for random bits and pieces to complete these cards.